Friday, March 23, 2012

A Quick Update

There's been a lot going on out here the past month since I posted anything. My Uncle passed away 2 weeks ago unexpectedly so I took a trip to Texas last week with Camden. It was such a nice trip even though it was filled with many tears and heartbreaking moments. My Uncle Herman was one of the most intentional, loving, caring, supportive, and encouraging people I have ever known. I am so blessed to have had him as an uncle. It was so incredible to hear all the stories of what a great man of faith he was as well as an incredible lawyer, husband, friend, father, grandfather, and role model in his community and church. Remembering his life inspired me and I know so many other people to live out more intentional lives while here on this earth.

In other news, we've really been enjoying watching Camden learn and change so much since we moved in to our duplex 6 weeks ago. Even in the last week, I've seen how much better he's getting at different sounds and words. Here is a little video I took of him while I was teaching him to say "mumble"

He also said "car" for the first time today and pointed to the car when he said it. He's making more word associations to certain objects now too instead of just saying them. 

Here are a few recent shots:

My friend Kimberly took this one today...We call him our smile boy

2 days after we got back from Texas, our dear friends from London (Dave and Jo) and their daughter Bella came to visit us. They are currently still here and this is a pic we got of the two kids outside the other day. Camden was so cute trying to reach out and hold Bella, so we just plopped her on his lap!

This was from Texas last week with Camden's cousin Carson. They had a lot more fun playing this time since Camden could walk!

We are going to Disneyland tomorrow (Camden's first trip!) with a few of Jared's college friends, and I can't wait to post pictures from our day!


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