Friday, April 20, 2012

Words Words Words

This week has been full of fun, new challenges now that I have a toddler, but I'm going to share with you some of the exciting things that have been happening in Camden's world recently instead of boring you with my dronings of tantrums and discipline woes.

It's absolutely amazing to see all of the light bulbs going off in his little head, now. He's connecting some many words to the actual object/person/animal, etc. A few weeks ago, he started saying car and pointing to the cars outside. I don't think that I had made a big deal about showing him cars when we were out or anything, but if you are around us for more than 5 minutes, you will no doubt hear the word car at least 10 times. I bought him a race track for Easter and a little red car he can ride in outside. He absolutely loves it and plays with his cars all the time. I have even let him watch 15 minutes of Cars the movie at a time and we finally made it all the way through the other day. I don't think he could believe that they made a full film just about cars! 

He also has a lot of animal noises and names. Here are some favorites:
mooo for cow
quack and duck
aerrrr for elephant (with trunk motion)
Hoo Hoo for Owl

Some other favorite words:
Tuck for truck
beep beep
car for milk because he has it in his cars cup...that gets a little confusing sometimes.
mum mum for more food
No (not my favorite)....but he will say no and point to things he's not supposed to touch. He will also say it if he doesn't fancy doing something.

My favorite:
Night Night
He says it when he gets tired. I think that it is in reference to wanting his blankie because he always reaches for it when he says night night. He runs in to his room to grab it off his bed. He will usually go down pretty easily after saying night night, too. My mom told me that I always did that when I was little. I would just disappear and then they would find me asleep in my bed. It's been a bit more of an issue as of late because he knows he's tired but doesn't always want to stop playing. :)

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