Monday, August 27, 2012

End of Summer

As the summer draws to a close (although the heat seems to linger), I wanted to make a short pots of all the fun we have had these last few weeks.

We just got back from a great trip to see my Meme in Alabama, and a trip with Jared's parents to Destin, FL. We It was so great for Camden to get to see his great Meme in Alabama. She took him to the explorium in downtown Mobile, and she also had a birthday cake for Jared while we were there. It was filled with good southern food and of course, Krispy Kreme.

Jared's parents picked us up in Mobile and drove us the rest of the way to Destin. It was a long journey to get there, but it was a really nice condo and we had a great time with them. We got our share of beach time and pool time where Camden could show off everything he has been learning in swim lessons!

We took 4 total weeks of swim lessons this summer. It was totally worth it and he love being in the water now. Here are some shots from the lessons.

 Camden loved all the songs and splashing in the pool. I think he has learned the wheels on the bus bc of singing it everyday at the pool!
 His favorite part of the lessons was jumping off the side. Pretty much the entire lesson he would struggle to get back to the edge of the pool to jump again. By the end of the 4 weeks, he was jumping unassisted in to the water and going under water. Then with my help, doggie paddling back to the side of the pool. :)
 Ignore my ridiculous face!
Our good friend Kimberly and her daughter Amelia. Camden's BFF for sure. He only says her name 5 times a day looking for her! :)

On a total side note, this summer has been filled with challenges as well with Camden growing up and becoming an individual....A toddler!!! Dun, Dun, Dun! We have had our fair share of ridiculous tantrums (one complete with me getting a huge bite mark on my arm that bruised and looked like I had the worst hickey ever!! Haha!), but Camden has really started to settle in to our routines, understand his choices, and understand mom and dad better. We also have a lot of new words, now, and he even is starting to sing along to some songs (on pitch!!).

Well, hope you enjoyed the update! I will try not to wait as long next time between posts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just love that both our kids have the other ones toy in there mouth:) Fun times in the pool!