Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big Slide and a Girl!

My little boy is growing up so fast! Today at the park I climbed the steps with him to go down the slide with him, but he slid down before I could sit down! I'm starting to get less agile these days with a growing belly! He made it just fine all the way down. Here's a little video of his 20th or so time down. Haha!

He was so excited. This was after freaking out at the doctor's office this morning and not even wanting to stand on the big boy scale or even to get his height I think he was proud of himself!  We are definitely going through a 2 year old I'm going to do what I want when I feel like it phase...after all, I can relate, we are all mostly that way! However, there have been more tears and frustrations on both of our ends, but we are gradually getting better at obeying mom. Or as I hear every 5 minutes...mommy, mommy, mommy! He's not quite sure how to put in to words something like "Come watch me", or "Let's play cars together", so it's just a lot of Mommy right now. We will slowly get there. I was reminded this week that God is working His story through us and not the other way around. I feel so inclined to my way life should be most of the time, when I really need to ask God for help! The giver of life abundant and the one who knows all. :)

A side note is that we are having a girl! As most of you know I was very keen to have another boy. After all, it's familiar, I already have the clothes, and Camden is just so much fun. The idea of a prissy, girly little thing waltzing into our lives I just wasn't sure about! However, I prayed Tuesday night that God would give me a peace whether it was a boy or girl Wednesday morning, and He totally answered my prayers. I am now relieved to find out that we are having a healthy girl, and I am actually excited about it! It's still going to take some more getting used to, though, especially because I hate pink!

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