Tuesday, December 14, 2010


How is it December already...and the 14th! It is funny how you lose track of the date when you are at home with a newborn!

It's been 2 weeks already since my last post. Camden has been a lot more fussy during the day...hence me not updating you all as much. It's crazy how much he changes every week. Not only in size and what he can do now (grabbing fingers, blankets, toys, etc., holding his head up off my shoulder for 4-5 seconds, and smiling!) but also in how he handles himself during the day and night. He has been sleeping for longer stretches at night (one 4 hour and one 3 31/2 if we are lucky!), but during the day we have been having to use a lot more calming and soothing techniques to get him to fall asleep for naps. He is still most alert during the morning after he wakes up from "night time." (sometime between 7-9) He has a good 20-30 min play time before he gets upset and needs to go back to sleep.
He is now 10 pounds!! (1 pound in 2 weeks people) so I think that is why we have to try so much harder to sooth him bc he is figuring our techniques out and can fight us now when we try to swaddle him! We thought he fought us in the beginning...oh no...does this mean he will be even stronger in 2 more weeks?? I think this may just continue to escalate through adolescence. Haha! We will see! He has also stretched out most of his feedings to every 3 hours (which is amazing when you look back to the beginning to every 1 1/2-2 hours). Crazy how fast you forget how far you've come and how much more sleep you are getting now...although you still always want more! It is so nice to get all this out on "paper" bc I think I don't give him the benefit of the doubt sometimes...ie...he is only 6 weeks into his life in this world and he isn't going to soothe himself or sleep through the night yet! hehe!

We also went on 2 big adventures this weekend. He had his first public feeding at Whole Foods this weekend which was a big deal for mom before hand, but not at all once we got the hang of it! We walked about 2 miles there and back and took a stroll to the Tweed Shop to exchange a jacket that Nana and Papa got him for Christmas. We also walked through Hyde Park. It was a beautiful day and we were out for over 4 hours. We got taco makings at Whole Foods for the next day which was delicious!

Sunday we decided to go to church which was an adventure. He did really well on the way there asleep in his pram, but after he ate at 7:30 (almost made it through the entire service) he got a little fussy (his evening fussy time) and we couldn't stay bc the heat wasn't on in the main room, only the room we had service in, so it was way to cold for one of us to stay out with him. It was good to see everyone for a bit at least! Not sure if I will try that again for a while. It is tough taking him out in the evening bc that is when he is most fussy. Maybe after the holidays!

Other than getting upset sometimes during the day, we just think he is the cutest little buddy that ever lived...and even then sometimes he has a cute cry face...although mama had to get some ear plugs to save her hearing! I would like to still be able to play my instrument and have some hearing left for that! Here are some of the new pictures we have taken recently. They include some of the first smiles on film!

Chillin' in my big boy chair! He loves to sit up and watch me get my lunch in the kitchen or hang out in the living room! He especially likes the sound of the hair dryer and the water noise of the shower! Puts him right to sleep (while they are on anyway...)
Pushing out a "big job" as Nana calls it!
Smile Smile
My favorite Camden face yet
Smile again! I seriously can't get enough of this!
Melts my heart! Chubby little buddy cheeks!

Staring down his friends! I think he is looking at Bryan...yes I named them...there is also Martin and Tony..eh eh Tony...
Is he rooting or upset? So hard to remember! We call this his karate outfit! Looks more silly in person!
Loves bath time!
So soothed! We always have a bath during the evening fussy hours!

Congratulations if you made it through this post! I will try and keep you updated more often...but there is no guarantee with this little dude!

Jared's parents get here in a week which I am really excited about! I can nap during the day when they are here! Wooohoo! I am also excited to see them and that they will be here with us for Christmas!

Side note...having a baby boy makes you see the Christmas story in a whole new way! It is amazing to think of what Mary and Joseph went through in the beginning! I don't believe the line "no crying he makes" from Away in a Manger, but that's just me! Jesus experienced everything we do on earth right!??

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