Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

It's been a while since I have posted bc we recently moved to a new flat and then last week Camden got a stomach bug!! Camden is feeling much better, but needless to say that we have done a lot of laundry this past week due to much barfed on clothing! Our new place has so much more light bc it isn't a basement flat and we also have much more space. God has totally provided for our family something that is in a great area and not too much more rent than we were paying.

This Saturday Jared was awesome and stayed at the house with Camden all day while I went out with my friends Joanna to the mall and to see The King's Speech. It was such an incredible film! It was so nice to get out to the movies.

Here are some pictures that Jared took while the girls were out and him and Dave hung with Camden!

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