Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Revelations and a cute boy!

So Saturday was one of the best days I have had in a while! It all started with one of my friends telling me how she wrote down all of her desires and anxieties to help process how she wanted to spend her time day to day. I thought this was a much needed thing for me because I have not been feeling like myself lately, and needed to get everything out on paper that was floating around in my head. Between feeling lonely, frustrated, aimless, etc., I had a lot to work through with the Lord in some personal journal time. It was interesting to see everything on paper. All of my desires had to do with having "more time" for a number of different things. It was obvious for me that A. I finally have the mental space to think of things I want to do finally, and B. I need to budget the time I do have for the tings I want to do! Ok, so I haven't done my "time budget" yet, but I have talked to Jared about our weeknights and how we want to each take a "night out" for something we want to do. We also have nights planned that we work on stuff at the house instead of hanging out together. We also are planning one night a week for intentional hang out which includes topical discussion, bible study, or book study. Last week, Jared had band practice for his night out, and I never took mine, so I planned to go out on Saturday to get a pedicure with a gift certificate I had left over. I was walking down the high street after I got it done, and saw the cinema and Harry Potter was on the marquee. I still hadn't seen it, and knew it would probably be going out of theaters soon. It was really great, and I'm so glad I had 6 hours out and about by myself to think, enjoy the sun (yay! it was out Saturday!!), see a film, relax, and get refreshed! So all of this is leading up to showing you some photos that Jared took in the backyard when him and bubs were hanging out at the house.


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