Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hyde Park Day

Yesterday Jared and I ventured out to Hyde Park for a walk because it was so incredibly beautiful! Our first day of summer this year, FINALLY, in September. It was pushing 80 degrees! Can you believe it! I know those of you in Texas are rolling your eyes at me right now, but we loved it! :) Camden turned 10 months old on the 2nd, and we wanted to get some shots of him. Thank goodness it was a gorgeous day to do just that.
Smiled and laughed soooo much when we were out on the blanket, but as soon as he had to go back in the pram there were some tears, unfortunately. He is becoming increasingly aware of where he is now and wether or not he wants to do something. Independence here we goooo!!!!
Can't get enough of those BLUE eyes!
This is the Royal Albert Hall with the Albert Memorial Statue in front of it that Queen Victoria erected in his honor. Absolutely gorgeous!
Grass exploration! And bark exploration! Haha!
Typical scowl below

This is Camden's latest trick! Grandmummy was trying to get him to do it when we were in Texas when he was 6 months old, but he finally got the hang of it when my friend Sarah showed him how the other day!

Some new things he is up to now are:
Only 2 feedings a day (morning and night from me and a bottle around 11 am). This has taken a huge burden off me to not feel so run down. I have had a lot of issues with keeping up with eating and drinking enough to make up for everything Camden needed. I already feel better!

Another answered prayer and huge measure of grace God has showered upon us is a full nights' sleep for about a month now! Camden had still been getting up between 5-6am since about 6 1/2 months old to eat his morning meal, then going back to sleep till 8. That was obviously a huge improvement on the waking 2 times a night for feedings, but this is pure bliss now! Actually going to sleep and not waking up until morning...although his morning is a lot earlier than 8 now! Haha!

He has also been crawling a lot more (still army style) and getting faster. He will stand up and hold on to stuff provided I still have a hand on him, but I think he is close to pulling up on furniture.

Still just 2 teeth, but I see the gums starting to splitting next to the bottom two so hopefully more soon!
:) Congratulations if you made it through this post!

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