Monday, April 7, 2008

Long time, no blog

Hey people who read this!

I am sick again with the same sickie germs I had three weeks ago! Jared got it and gave it back to me! I had to pull myself out of bed this morning for a summer job interview (which went really well), and now I am contemplating taking a nap or going to get my oil changed and my brakes checked bc they are squeaking...Anyways, I am hoping I will get well soon, bc I want to practice my flute without wheezing and coughing every five seconds!

Also, Is it just me, or is everyone getting pregnant? Thoughts on this phenomenon? I guess we are all growing up and this is the time of life for the next ten years or so for that to happen!

Adios...time to get well..DayQuil here I come!


Catherine Haskew said...

It was well worth my tired day to get to spend time with you! I'm so sorry you are sick again, but I am so glad your interview went well. You will have to let me know if you get the job! We miss you guys so much...we need to set up that weekly talking time soon. Love you!

Bri Westbury said...

Hey Robin! Everyone IS getting pregnant. I was at a baby shower with Mrs. Haskew last weekend and I leaned over to her and said "I just don't feel like we are old enough to have babies yet." and the wise Mrs. Haskew responded "But you are."


Catherine Haskew said...
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