Thursday, December 4, 2008

So exhausted

I am wondering why the world works by way of deadlines, due dates, pushing to utter exhaustion, and activities that all wrap up at the same time. This is one of those times for me and everyone else in the world (the end of the semester, year, and the holidays). People are forced to loose sleep and become hermits, working till they can't work anymore, or until they finish what they started. So the question I keep asking myself...Why do we do it? I feel most people don't have a choice unless they want to loose their jobs or fail out of school...I mean there are things we can choose not to do (tons of parties, activities that aren't required to make a living or pass school), but what about the stuff that we can't control. It is always hard for me to accept that God has His best for me, and Jared, during these exhausting times. I don't want the following to sound like I am trying to get a sympathy vote, but Jared has a deadline coming up and has worked till 12 every night this week. I have had tons of schoolwork and practicing to do so we have been staying up late to see each other for an hour or two until 1:30/2:00 in the morning. It is hard because the only thing we both want to do is spend time together, but sometimes the best thing for us would be to get sleep so we can function the next day at work/school. I hate feeling like we have to "push" through these times. Don't really have a conclusion to this post....just want you to know you are not alone if you feel this way about life. I guess if everyone revolted against this American way of life we could change it, but not likely to happen in my lifetime! In the meantime, I will continue to function with my philosophy that these times are growing me into a person that looks more like Jesus. That means I will have to reflect on my journey through this craziness later! Someone remind me! :)

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