Thursday, April 2, 2009


Been thinking a lot about this lately, not about how to get more, but how to be financially prudent and open to what God wants to do with it.
We had a good friend (you know who you are) give us a reality check over Christmas about how we were probably viewing our savings account as our money instead of God's money. We had never vocalized it, but we have not ever given money from that account to anyone but ourselves, and mostly it is just sitting there...As what most savings account are save. BUT...because we were holding the account with closed hands so to speak, our eyes have been opened to how we can better use this money. Not to go out and give it all away, but to be aware to what God is leading us to do with it. I have had many joyful experiences since letting go of "our money".

He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity. - Ecclesiastes 5:10

I have been struck lately with the thought that God is sufficient for all our needs, and He knows what we need when we need it, so it is not up to me to hold on to things for a "rainy day." Yes, be prudent, but not to the point of mistrust or fear. It is so freeing to know and verbalize that it is not mine!

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