Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Come August...Back to a Routine!

So I have realized that I am an old lady and like having my routine! :) I never thought that would be me, but I really like when everything is in order! Here is what is new...

1. Jared loves his new job! We are so thankful that everyone that works there is so nice and really loves what they do.

2. We are looking for a new car for Jared. Please pray that we can find the right one and not have to deal with too many scuzzy dealers! We had an interesting mix of people last night when we went to test drive some cars!

3. I am trying to get back into the swing of practicing! We have had so many people here that my routine has really been thrown off. It has been really fun getting to do so many things in LA, though. I will have to share my wealth of where to hang out in the LA summer soon!

4. I am playing a wedding in Newport Beach Saturday with Donovan, my guitarist. I am soooo excited!

5. Potential of playing in a flute ensemble.

6. Hoping August won't be too hot. We have already had some toasty days in our apartment. (85 inside=no bueno!)

7. We want to see friends in LA!

8. Getting ready for some auditions. :)

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