Thursday, January 28, 2010


I never used to like reading. I was the student who always used spark notes or cliffs notes. I hated sitting down and taking the time to read...anything, really. I think I was always more of a hands on person (playing sports, playing outside with the neighbors, playing flute and piano). I was never the kid who got lost for hours in a good book.

But, somewhere in the last 2 years, something has changed. I think with my new found pursuit of being more calm, patient, and relaxed, I realized that I do have time for books. That I even like books. I used to tell myself that if I had time to read, I should be practicing the flute. Now, I can schedule time to read in to my day. Maybe I do have more time now, which definitely helps!

After I realized I have the time, I started reading all non-fiction. This still has to do with a part of my personality that needs to be productive. That non-fiction books have something to offer that improve my life in some way. I really like statistics and true stories. In this way, I am still not the kid who gets "lost" in books, but I do get "hooked" on books now, and can't put them down.

Some titles I have finished in the last 2 years that I have loved include:
"Crazy Love" and "Forgotten God " by Francis Chan, "Master your Metabolism" by Jillian Michaels, "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" by Donald Miller, "The Great Divorce", and "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis.

Books I have started and quit because they were too tough to get through:
"Pride and Prejudice", Seeing Through New Eyes: Counseling and the Human Condition", and "The Shack."

Titles I am currently reading:
"Counterfeit Gods" by Tim Keller, and "A Grief Observed" by C.S. Lewis.

Let me know what you are reading!

And P.S.:
I am even thinking of starting a book club with my friend Katie! I have come so far!

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