Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Tomorrow Jared's parents arrive in London to spend a week with us! I am all done cleaning, running errands, and doing other to-do list items, so I feel much more relaxed than I did a few days ago/hours ago! Haha!

Being pregnant makes it much harder to get things done quickly, so I have had to pace myself. I am really tired today because I didn't sleep very well last night, so hopefully tonight will be a more restful nights' sleep. You just take simple things like bending over for granted when you don't have a huge belly in front of you!

We are going to the countryside Saturday through Monday and staying in Salisbury and hopefully making it to Bath Sunday. Jared has Friday and Monday off, so I am really excited to spend some quality time with him since we haven't had a holiday since before he was on long hours. I hope to have some time to read one of my books ("The Interpretation of Murder" by Jed Rubenfeld). It is really good so far, but I keep filling my days with things that have to get done, and not having time to read it!

Also, I am 35 weeks on Friday (only 5 weeks until the due date!) and the boy is getting super strong! Sometimes I can't believe how hard he is kicking me under my right!


1 comment:

KrispyPotatoChip said...

Even 8 months later I appreciate having the ability to bend down again. It's a luxury after having to do the awkward knee bend for 9 months!

Hope all is well.