Friday, November 19, 2010

Don't have much to say. Just thought I'd share some more picks of our precious boy! We had an appointment at the midwife clinic today and he is officially jaundice free. They were also shocked to find that while most babies gain an average og 25 grams a day in the first few weeks, Camden was going at about 39g a day! This led to Daddy coining yet another nickname: "Beefcake Buddy". He is now at around 7 lbs, 9 oz... Still a pretty tiny little buddy.

His first ride in the pram, on his way to the clinic.

comfy in his baby Uggs. Thanks Aunt Katie!

Daddy posing with Camden

Sound asleep

Staring down the pup


Katie Feistel said...

Love the pic of Camden posing with Daddy, he looks so chill!

the Randles said...

Yea no more jaundice! Praise the Lord! glad to hear he's eating well too--keep up the good work Mom:)