Saturday, November 13, 2010


So I finally have a moment to sit down and reflect on the past 11 days! I can't believe my actual due date was yesterday.

Side note...Everyone was over the due date on the contest, so no winner in that category, but Bri guessed the closest to his weight without going over...I am going to have to figure out a special prize for you to use in South Africa!...Also, they didn't take his length at the hospital, so we are just going to have to do that some other time!

I can't believe we have had this little guy in our lives for almost 2 weeks now. We finally feel like we are getting the hang of the sleep 2-3 hours at a time thing, although it is still very odd to me to sleep during the day. His day time when he sleeps less at a time is around 11 am-11 pm, then during his "night" he sleeps more like 3 hours at a time (which is a huge blessing for mommy and daddy!)
God has shown us sooooo much grace through difficult situations since the onset of labour on Sun, October 31st at 1:30 am! There are way too many stories to even get in to on this blog, so you will just have to ask me the next time you see me. I don't think everyone wants all of the details! Hahaha!

I have today and Sunday with Jared here, and then he goes back to work Monday. Me and baby Camden are going to miss him so much. The really cool thing though is my mom gets here Wednesday, and my Dad Friday. This is the trip they had scheduled for Thanksgiving assuming baby boy might not even be here yet! Oops! Well, now they will get to see him a little older!

Today we had our first walk down the street. I can't believe I hadn't left the house in a week. It went by so fast! We are still trying to get him some sun, although it is not cooperating very well here in London, because he is a bit jaundice still. It is getting better, so any thoughts and prayers we would really appreciate! It will be a relief when it is completely gone.

Hope everyone is having a great November so far and I will post more pictures soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is NANA - I can't wait to get there and hug you and hold him! Jared - you'll get a hug too!