Wednesday, November 24, 2010

3 weeks old

Can't believe that Camden is already 3 weeks old! He is doing so much more than he was even a week ago. He has begun to stretch out himself on his play blanket and move his arms and legs when you play music or sing to him. He also loves looking at himself in the mirror as mommy sings his favorite song she made up... "who's that baby in the mirror"... it teaches scales in thirds and we sing it in all different keys! Yes we have to start him early on his musical training! Here are a few pics we have taken this week!
Camden and Mommy enjoying the new rocker Grandmummy bought us! Camden loves to rock!
Semi-staged photo bc we realised we didn't have one of the 3 of us since the birth!

Nana and Paw Paw (names still undecided) are here for Thanksgiving and we are having a great time! They just went out to pick up our Whole Foods pre made Thanksgiving! We are making green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole and pumpkin pie!

Nana made him sit up while he was sleeping off his milk coma! He looks like a little man!
I think Camden got Nana and Mommy's eyes!
So sweet in Paw Paw's arms!

I am trying to savor this week with all of the amazing help I have here and not think about what it will be like when they are gone! I will be able to manage, but it is just so nice having people around to give you a break to eat and take a shower! I will never take that for granted again!

Happy Thanksgiving early Everyone!

1 comment:

Katie Feistel said...

Robin, you look so wonderful! Hope you guys have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Miss you!