Tuesday, May 24, 2011

6 month milestones

Camden is his cute new shirt from Aunt Jordan and his boat shoes I found at NEXT to match Dad's! I can't believe I didn't know about this store! It's has really fun cheap and trendy kids' clothes. I digress from the post...

I haven't done a post on everything that Camden is learning and how much he has grown so I wanted to document it in a post so I can look back on it when he's older! :)

He's almost 7 months now! I can't believe how much he's physically grown in the last month. He's gone from 13 1/2 pounds at 5 months to 16 pounds 2 ounces at 6 1/2 months! I am not sure how long he is officially bc they won't do his length yet at the health visitor, but we measured him a couple weeks ago and he's roughly 26 inches. He is wearing 6-12 months shirts and his 4-6 month pants from H and M (Someone has a long torso like his momma). He's wearing size Medium Gdiapers and AIO BumGenius snapped on the second row and size 4 Pampers (the sizes are bigger here in the UK bc he is wearing size 3 still in the US. Can someone please explain to me the different size dummies (paci)?? Why would a child need a bigger one as he grows?? Mine aren't growing...or are they??Haha jkjk! I put the bigger dummy in his mouth and he started gagging! Haha..it was pretty hilarious, so we are sticking with 0-3 months size!

Eating: He's tried so many different foods so far. I am having fun making the baby food purees with the amazing steamer/blender all in one machine that my parents got me when they were here in March. It's super easy to make and freeze 2-3 weeks worth of food in just a couple hours. We still use Organix baby food jars when we are out and about and won't be able to take the homemade stuff with us, but it's a great brand that promises "no junk" added to the food. Camden is a huge fan of eating...but this is something we have known since birth! He's nursing 4-5 times during the day and is taking one night feeding (varies on the day...sometimes 1 am, sometimes 4-5 am). He's sleeping so much better since I have been eating a TON more food and also have been giving him his Rice cereal before bed. Like I said before...this boy eats and eats and he's still only in the 20th percentile! Up from the 10th though, so we are very excited about that! He was born at the 25th so the midwife said she is really happy with where he is at right now and doesn't want him to soar up the charts.

Here are some of the foods he's tried so far (1-2 tablespoons of fruit and vegetables at a time, 3 meals a day):
Rice Cereal mixed with breast milk (his favorite that he has at tea time every day) (1-2 tablespoons)
apple (not sure if this agreed with him...need to try it again bc that night he was up every 2-3 hours crying...)
carrot (loves)
sweet potato (loves!)
green beans (not a fan)
peas (not a fan)
zuchini (too runny when pureed)

He is also really enjoying drinking water from a free flowing cup! He is quite good at it too! I of course have to hold the cup or water bottle or he will pour it all down his shirt and into his mouth and choke on it, but he loves it. He makes a little "ahh" noise after he has it...like "gees I've been so thirsty, mom" "why haven't you given me water before."

Sleep: He takes 3 naps a day (the first 2 are usually 1-2 hours and the last one is usually only 30 minutes...I'm thinking he will get rid of this 3rd nap in the near future). His total time napping each day is around 3 hours...sometimes more, sometimes less. He is a great pram napper which is so great since some days he has to spend a good amount of time in the pram while we are out and about shopping, etc. At night he eats his last meal around 6:45 and goes down for the night. He got rid of the second night feeding a few weeks ago which I am very thankful for! He still sometimes wakes up though and needs his dummy or blanket tucked around him. We are working on doing this less and it has been a lot better the last week or so. He is a constantly changing boy and there are good nights and bad nights. We know that this season is refining both me and Jared to live more by the Lord guiding us each day and each moment. To live by His strength and not our own. This is the first time in my life that I have really been able to experience that! It's really tough, but so amazing!

He is rolling over now from his back to tummy! Yay! But still has a hard time getting his head all the way up after he turns over. He loves to grab stuff with his feet now (see pic below) and he also rolls from side to side while holding toys in his hands or feet which is really cute! He also has developed his fine motor skills in his hands a lot more which is fun to see when he plays with the tags on his toys, etc. He loves sitting in his rainforest jumperoo that we got when we returned from Texas. He will bounce in there for atleast 30 minutes at a time!

As you can see above, his head control is getting so much better, and he can put his head up really high! He has started to be a "swimmer" as the photographer at JC Penny said when she was doing his 6 month portraits (Can't wait to post those when I get them in a couple weeks!). He will be on his tummy and his arms and legs just wiggle around. He is trying to move so bad and reach for stuff that is in front of him.

We love this little boy more than words can describe! These last 6 months have been with out a doubt the most challenging of our lives, but we wouldn't trade them for anything else! Another time I need to catalogue all of the trials and times God has provided for us here on the blog...but this is enough info for you all now! :)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Awww... He's getting so big and handsome:) It's completely incredible to watch them change. I really think having a little one makes you realize how fast time really goes. Some way....some how..we'll make sure to see you three soon again. Miss you guys:)

Oh...we just switched up the paci too! Amelia had a hard time keeping it in for the first couple days, but finally got the hang of it. The bigger size ones here are thicker so that as they start to get teeth, they don't bite off a chuncks:)