Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Business Man

I never posted this pic that Mike took while they were here visiting us. I love that Camden has a giant phone and is wearing his tie shirt. He looks very serious and is clearly on an important business call!!

On a side note, the business man is going in for an appointment at the paediatric opthamology unit at the hospital tomorrow bc his left eyelid has been droopy for a while. We are praying that everything is ok with his eye and that the doctors will know what to do to help him. It is tough being out here and wanting the best care possible and not knowing if you will always get that with NHS. I coud go on, but I will make a separate post about National Healthcare another time (Can't wait to share my insight with all of you after having lived here for a year and a half). We would appreciate your prayers tomorrow at 2 pm here!

1 comment:

Katie Feistel said...

Love the pic! He def looks like a serious business man!