Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I stumbled across this resource from The Village Church in Dallas thanks to a friend on facebook who posted it. It's a way to reflect during this season of Advent. There's a little write up about different topics every week and then questions to reflect on after.
I'm really looking forward to redirecting all of my anxiousness about the upcoming move in 2 weeks to focusing on celebrating the past Advent (coming/arrival in Latin) of Jesus as a baby, and look forward to the future (second Advent) arrival of Jesus!

What a better way to anxiously await an arrival to the states!

I also thought this is such a brilliant idea for an advent calendar. Unique and creative! I hope to make it next year when we are settled in our LA home. 


Janise said...

Chris and I are celebrating Advent this year. Here is our homemade Advent "calendar" http://pinterest.com/pin/280630620500146153/ and our homemade Advent "wreath" http://pinterest.com/pin/280630620500146183/

We're doing an Advent devotional each night. Advent just started Sunday but we're already really enjoying it!

Robin Brient said...

love the "wreath" Janise!