Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Our time here in London is quickly flying by and way too fast for my taste! Have you ever felt like you are trying to be so intentional with your time but see it slipping away so fast right in front of your eyes? Time is a strange thing, isn't it? I've been thinking a lot about this phenomenon lately and haven't come to very many conclusions. I have realized that I can't be so concerned with the fact that I'm "running out of time" because it will just go faster and I won't actually have time to do what I want to do before I leave. Make any sense??

I have also been worrying way too much over canceling final bills, selling items on gumtree, shipping boxes, giving away stuff and the like instead of relaxing and trusting God that it will all get accomplished because He has given me the gift of organization (definitely to a fault in this case). I'm learning how to use my gift to help our family, but not let it take over to where it's becoming a hindrance to enjoying time with  Jared and Camden, and also enjoying time spent alone and with friends. 

I have anxiety about what life will be like for us as we transition back to the states because we have lived here for 19 months now and have immersed ourselves in the culture here. 

I am wondering how the plane flight back to Texas will be with a 13 month old who is almost walking! 

I worry about how Camden will adjust to being in someone else's house for a month, then another house in LA for a couple weeks until we find a flat there. Then he will have to adjust to our new home (which I am worried about finding!)! 

I get stressed about seeing everyone in Texas over the holidays.

So there's everything out on "paper"! I'm working on releasing these things from my grip and handing them over to Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit (the Helper) to help me gain a different view on these things. 

John 16:7 (Jesus speaking before his death)
"Nevertheless, I tell you the truth; it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you."

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