Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Guess what??

I'll give you one guess... 
We are moving back to the states in December! Yes, we have been thinking and praying about when we should move back for a good while, and we finally decided that it's time to pack up our lives here after 20 months and head back. Jared got a job offer from Sony a month or so ago and we decided to go for it. We are leaving London mid-December to spend the holidays with our families in Texas, then we will be moving to LA in January. It's such a bittersweet time for sure. We are so sad to end our time here. We have made so many great friends and really do love a lot about the city, but there have also been a lot of challenges, too. We are excited to be closer to family (ie the same country, cheaper flights, seeing them more often, etc.!) and will be reunited with many of our LA friends! Camden and I are looking forward to the sunshine and we are also excited about spending time in Texas for Christmas. Needless to say we have had a lot going on this last month as we literally have to shut everything down here. Moving out of the country, having a baby, and living in a different country is probably the hardest thing I have ever had to experience, but it has been a wild and crazy ride I wouldn't trade for anything!

More to come!

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