Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's Resolution

So, I have never done resolutions before, but this year I thought of a few quick ones! You can check in and see how I am doing!

1. I am not going to watch American Idol this season. It takes up way too much time, and I have a lot of other things I need to get done! (Thesis, Recital, Competitions, etc...)

2. I am going to read the bible through for the first time ever! I am reading through on You can create a username and post comments about passages you read. Much more beneficial than facebook, which brings me to my next resolution...

3. I can only check facebook once a day, and hopefully not everyday as I become less addicted to it! :) Wish me luck!

4. Eat healthier and exercise. I have new running shoes and an ipod shuffle, so I can enjoy my time outside running (hopefully 3-4x a week). Also, am going to try to only make one dessert a week! EEEKkk!

Let me know if you have any good resolutions!

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