Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The rundown

I am going to give you a quick synopsis of what has been happening since the recital! I can't believe it was almost two weeks ago! In case you care, here is what I have been up to the past couple of weeks.

Last week I was preparing for the mock audition, chamber music concert, and woodwind quintet concert this week at school. Not to mention getting feedback for my thesis and trying to make edits!

This week I got sick from allergies, yay, and was having a hell of a time preparing for everything I needed to play for, and feeling run down. I tried to let go, knowing that ultimately it is in God's hands and that everything will work out. Of course, it did, and I even heard back from one of the National Flute Association competitions I entered. I found out I got first alternate for the Orchestral Masterclass Competition. There are three people that are attending, so if any of them die or hurt themselves I get to go! Tonya Harding anyone??

Last night the chamber music concert went well. I played a Haydn trio with another flute and a bassoon. It was great except for me having a coughing attack during the second movement. I was extremely worried that tonight would hold the same fate, but I decided not to take any medicine and I felt better today! Our Woodwind Quintet Concert went ok tonight. I had a couple of brain farts, but overall we pulled off our big pieces.

So, tomorrow is catch up day on all of the laundry and house chores I have been neglecting. I am also going to send out some CD's/DVD's to relatives who weren't able to come to the concert. And I am getting my hair done! :)

Side note: I just started reading Crazy Love and like it already! More to come!

Here are the only pictures I have from the recital! I will be getting more tomorrow I hope from Jared's dad!Program

Stage...I know pretty boring, but artsy! Thanks Kimberly!

1 comment:

Bri Westbury said...

Way to go Robin! You are such a stud! And I REALLY do like the way the stage looks too =).

If I lived in CA I would consider finding out if one of the flute players had allergies and then planting/placing those items outside their window... lucky for them I am far far away!