Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Out of the hotel!

We are officially out of the hotel as of Saturday! It was getting a little snug, and not being able to cook was a huge downside! I made my first meal in the new flat last night and actually got some laundry done in my new washer! It takes 2 hours to wash one load and many many hours to dry them out next to my radiator. So....laundry will be a bigger part of my life here. Haha!

We made a run to a cheap department store here to collect bedding, towels, pots and a skillet Saturday, and also went to the giant grocery store here to get cleaning supplies (Tesco). Why don't landlords ever actually professionally clean the place even though they say they did. Blah! Some things don't change from country to country. We are all cheapo's! So, I am at an internet cafe right now and we are trying to get a little portable internet card to use at the house until we get our internet hooked up. Apparently it takes like a month to set up here. Plus, we don't have our bank cards yet to set up direct deposit for our bills which is frustrating bc everything is direct deposit! I will try to post pictures soon, but there is some work that the landlords still need to do around the flat that was promised. So I really hope they get on top of that soon so we can take a shower with a mix of cold and hot water instead of just scalding hot water!

Anyway, on a more fun and interesting note, there is another bank holiday on Monday May 31st. Jared is taking the Friday off so we can hopefully go to Paris. We are trying to find a good deal, but, again, the bank cards no getting to us is slowing things down on booking!

P.S. There are foxes in our backyard! Crazy! There is a mom and a baby so far that we can see, but we think they are nocturnal bc at 2:45 this morning, something was rustling the bushes outside. They are very cute, and apparently there is a problem with some politicians wanting to re-instate fox hunting!

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