Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oh ya, that silver metal thing!

Today I woke up and was finally feeling a little better. I still have allergies and snot, but at least I don't feel like I can't get stuff done during the day.

I actually have been able to enjoy some of the things I haven't had time for/haven't felt up to doing. One of these activities would be playing my flute. I didn't know quite how to handle being in a new city where I don't know any musicians, have no one to perform/play with, and don't have any lesson students. In LA, I finally felt like things were picking up and I was having a great time playing and teaching. I didn't realize how much I would miss it when I got out here. I guess I wasn't thinking about it, really. My flute has been picked up a few times since we got out here and I have enjoyed listening to my fair share of classical music during the day, but I hadn't set any goals for myself yet. It is tough bc the baby is coming right after the school year starts here so I can't really get any teaching jobs bc I would have to take a break right after I started (not really fair to an employer or lesson students). Summer is also a hard time to meet other musicians to perform/play with bc normally I would start at the colleges to see if anyone is interested in playing, and they are all gone for the summer. When they get back, it will also be right before the baby comes, too.

So...my predicament is that I need to set a schedule for myself and goals to meet while we are out here before the baby comes, and then try to figure out what it will look like once we have a little one running around! :)

I did pick up that hunk of metal for the first time in a while today and realized how much I had missed playing it! I am thankful that I didn't sound too out of shape! My first goal is to learn all of the pieces in the French book that I haven't done before. I can play along to some recordings I have with piano when I get them sounding decent. I love me some French music that's for sure!

Thanks for reading my ramblings!

1 comment:

Jimmy said...

Funny, I was reading this post to my wife (who is also a pregnant flute player), and when it got to "French book," she said "I'll bet it's the same French book I have...the blue French book." Right after she said that, I scrolled down and saw your pic of the book and said, "you mean this one?"