Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Worst night sleep ever!

So I think we officially had the worst night of sleep we have ever had last night! Jared came home last night not feeling well and I have had allergies for the past week or so. There are a ton of new things in the air to get used to, and I pray that we will get used to them bc it is driving me crazy! I can barely go outside for 20 min without sneezing my head off and my nose running like a faucet! Jared was sick with a cold last week, and this weekend we decided to rest so he could get better. He was on the up and up until he went back to work Mon. He had a small fever but it went away after he got home. All last night, he was tossing and turning, and SNORING! There is one thing I can not sleep through, and that is snoring! I kept waking up every time he started snoring, so I think I never actually went to sleep until 8:00 am when he left for work. I even tried listening to my ipod and fell asleep a couple times, but the snoring woke me back up. I also think I had WAY too much caffeine yesterday (one latte, and one coke...which is a lot for me right now bc I usually only have a cup of tea each day). Anyway, Jared went to work this morning, but came home at lunch bc he was not feeling great. He is asleep in the other room and I am trying to stay awake until tonight so I can actually sleep (even though I am super tired!). I am praying that I will not get sick, too bc that would suck on top of these allergies! We are a mess, but hopefully we will get used to the germs on the tube, the mold growing everywhere, and the cotton floating in the air! As we speak, the sun is baking the newly wet ground from the rain yesterday, so hopefully more mold is growing, jk!

On a different note, I finally got an appointment letter mailed to me with details about my first midwife appointment Friday! This appointment will just be introductory and getting to know you, and then hopefully I can schedule my anomaly scan for next week...and if they will let me, find out if it is a boy or girl. The pamphlet that they gave me in the mail said that they do not offer this service, but maybe if I am nice, they will tell me! Here's hoping!

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