Saturday, June 26, 2010

Our first child shall be a masculine child!

This is Jared by the way, guest posting on Robin's blog. I'm not sure if that is against blog etiquette or not so forgive me. Anyways, we found out today at our 20 weeks scan that it's a boy!

We are very excited, and the scan was a pretty amazing experience. They were able to clearly show us the skull, kidneys, bladder, feet, arms, hands, spine, ribs, nose, lips, eye sockets, and we could even see each of the 4 chambers of his heart firing. And yes, at the end, the sonogram technician pointed out his naughty bits, which Robin and I thought we had spotted when she was measuring his legs earlier in the scan.

On a side note, we recently discovered that orange juice in the UK does not come in the usual forms of "with pulp" or "without pulp". Instead you can choose between "no bits" and "juicy bits".

We also got to tour the birthing center at St. Mary's where we will most likely be having the baby. It was a great facility, more like a really nice house than a hospital. All the rooms had a tub, birthing table, queen size bed, and a plasma screen. We also got to meet one of the midwives who was really nice and put Robin at ease about the whole process. And yes, in case of emergency all of the necessary comforts like doctors and epidurals are just upstairs if needed.

We finished up the day watching the match at our local pub, me with a Young's Double Chocolate Stout in hand, Robin with an orange juice (without naughty, I mean juicy bits)



Unknown said...

Cheers, Jared and Robin! Cheers, masculine child!

Steph said...

congrats you guys!!!

And should blog!! very funny post! :)

miss y'all!

stefaroooni said...

Yippeeeee! I love juicy bits! :-)