Saturday, July 19, 2008


So I went to go see batman at 10:30 this morning which felt very strange because we got out of the darkest movie ever at it was a beautiful day in California! So, naturally I spent the rest of the day at the pool with my friend Koni while Jared was at work.

The movie was so tense, but it was definitely well made and Heath Ledger's performance was incredible! The graphics on two-face really creeped me out, though!!

Well, I won't spoil it any more for those who have not seen it!

I am currently trying to get motivated for a week of practicing before my friends get here so I can kick butt on some upcoming auditions! I am still so tired from the last two weeks of camp and should have slept in today, but seeing batman was sooooo worth it!

I am also excited about our beach gathering tomorrow at Dockweiler! Hot Dogs and lots of fun!

Peace and Love!

1 comment:

Steph said...

Lucky! (Read of course, in classic Napoleon Dynamite fashion.)
