Thursday, July 17, 2008


So tonight I really really want to go see the midnight showing of Batman, but I have to be at work at 7:30 and have a full day with kids and cleaning up at the end of the two week camp I have been working at. I am lame and can't handle running on only 4 hours of sleep, so I think I will have to wait until Saturday or something! Oh well! I will try not to go insane at the last day of the big kid camp! Peace out friends! Don't spoil the plot if you are going to see the midnight showing!

1 comment:

Steph said...

I feel ya! I'm feeling a little pouty about it, myself, although our dilemma is a little different. Casey and I would go see it, but anyone who we would ask to babysit would want to go see it as well. So, we'll probably have to wait until some friends have already seen it.

It's worth the wait I guess.

We guys miss you too! I wish you guys were at Casey's birthday party. It just needed a little dash of Jared and Robin and it would have been THE PERfect party! :)
Love ya!