Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Beacuse no one else has a new post

So, I was checking my Google Reader and was upset that no one has posted recently, so I decided others may (or may not) be sad that I haven't posted in a while.

There has been a lot going lately.

The following are thoughts that I have had about people lately and then what God is teaching me through rough as it is to learn that the way you were raised and think about everything isn't always what should end up happening....rats!

1. Not everyone is as organized/clean as I am. This is ok, except not when it is putting other people at risk for allergy attacks and health hazards. How can people live like this! I still don't believe that anyone can have a 100% clean house if they have animals, and I pray to God that my kids don't want any. I am severely allergic to cats and allergic to dogs too. Maybe a fish? But they kinda smell too...I digress...God is showing me how to love everyone regardless of what a mess they are on the outside! :)
People, for your own health and the safety of others, please vacuum and dust atleast once a week! Cleaning the bathroom isn't a bad idea either! Anytime I see someone else's mess, I want to help them find a system and a way to be clean, and in turn, want to go straight home and throw out anything I don't use as well as reorganize everything! I found a cabinet behind the bathroom mirror today! yay! I re-organized all our bathroom stuff and threw out a lot of junk! It is amazing how fast you can collect stuff!

2. Some people have no awareness that they are asking too much of you...Although, I figured out this is God's way of stretching me past what I think is a comfortable and reasonable amount of time to help someone out. Growing up there was always a selfish part to helping people out...limits on how much you should have to help someone...when it starts to inconvenience you, you should stop...Is this always right, though? Unfortunately, I am having a hard time defining this boundary along with many other boundaries that go along with giving time to others versus taking time for yourself/family. I am learning to seek Jesus in every situation and not just take the practical road...which is hard for me (those of you who know me and my mother!)

3. People move out and people move in. Recently, I had a dear friend move away, and I know that God has a great adventure planned for her and her family, but it is hard for me to accept that God would take a close friend away so soon after meeting them. I know that this will continue to happen often as I live in a city with one of the highest turn over rates! I will try not to shut people out and not grow close to them just because I am afraid that they will leave...Who knows, I will leave someday, too!

4. Community is hard...All of the above situations are just a few examples of what makes it so difficult to create a community centered on Jesus that allows everyone to help each other grow closer to Him...Pray as our church continues to figure out what this looks like!

There is a lot coming up, too!

1. Starting school in 2 weeks (last year of my master's...which means I have to do my thesis and recital!)
2. Starting my new job at Launching Pad (Preschool for Northrop Grumman) teaching music Tuesday and Wednesday mornings for 2 hours each!
3. Audition, Audition, Audition! (3 to be exact...pray that I will do as best I can!)
4. Hopefully getting more than one private flute student to teach on Tuesdays! (Atleast I have one, but I need to go recruit at the local middle and high school!)
5. Want to do something fun on labor day, but it is the day before an audition, so not sure what will happen with that!

Peace out! Congrats if you made it this far in the post!


stefaroooni said...

I made it! Love you, Robin! You're such a good friend to everyone around you!

Emily said...

Robin, I would just like to thank you for starting me on the road to being a more organized person. I've come a long way from the 224 at SRD. I also can't sleep well if there are dirty dishes in the kitchen. :)