Friday, August 22, 2008


Casey Cease tagged me to write 6 random things about myself bc he is jealous of my 75 degree weather year round! It's not 75 all the time!

I don't know how random my life here goes...

1. I always find someone on facebook that I know about once every few months that has moved to LA! I think it's great!

2. I always have to tidy up the apartment before I go to bed. I can't leave any shoes/dirty dishes/clothes/mail out...

3. I usually do laundry and clean on Monday morning (starts off the week right!)

4. I eat the same thing for breakfast everyday! (Homemade granola, plain yogurt, maybe fruit with it, and a 1/2 cup of freshly ground coffee...makes everyday happy!)

5. I always feel bad when I practice in my apartment even though no one has ever said anything to me. I need to get over this, or maybe ask them if it bothers them...but I don't want to stir anything up!

6. I have to move my car for the street sweeper because there are no drains here bc it doesn't rain! I didn't understand when I first moved here!

Ok, So I don't really know who to tag bc I dont have that many blog friends, but here goes...

Bri Westbury
Catherine Haskew
Mike Haskew
Kimberly Eide
Jenn Crouse

You have to write 6 random things about yourself and tag 6 people at the end... :)

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

You taged me... but i have no idea what to do...I'm still new at this idea of blogging :-)