Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My parents came to town!

Hello anyone who reads this!

My parents were in town this past weekend, and Jared and I had a great time with them. Jared and I instated a rule a while back that when the parentals come to visit, they will stay in a hotel. It definitely works out better for everyone b/c our apartment is small and it is nice for everyone to have some space. Jared and I have some time to debrief the day when everyone is not around each other the whole time. I reccommend this to anyone who feels like they can't get any spouse time when his/her parents are in town.

I had an orchestra concert Friday night for school and we went to a ridiculous concert at the Hollywood Bowl on Saturday. And by ridiculous I mean a very bizzare concert entitled Sights and Sounds of Mystic Persia: A tribute to Rumi...so I guess I didn't clue in to all that title implies. I was trying to stay engaged during the concert, but not much was happening...The singer kept droning on the same note, and the lady reading the poems was really creepy. I kind of felt like I was involved in something I shouldn't be...you know that feeling...anyway we later realized we were glad we missed the first half of the concert because the will call line was so long...the second half alone was 2 hours.

My parents came to church with us Sunday which was great, but it was hilarious when we went to take communion, she came back to her seat and said, that's not grape juice! Haha! No mom, this is not a baptist church...we use actual wine here! Hehe!

I was sad when they left, and realized that this distance is not going to grow any closer between us. I do not want to move back to Texas, but I do miss seeing my family everyday. I know God wouldn't have Jared and I out in LA if it wasn't for a reason, so I have to trust that this is the best for us right now. I am learning a lot by being so far away from them, but I still love them and miss them very much!

Jared and I had a movie night Sunday night after my parents left and watched Lady in the Water. It never got good reviews, but I kinda liked it. It had some good themes...if you haven't seen it, check it out!

It was 100 degrees in Long Beach today...where has the hint of fall gone?

P.S. I chopped all my hair off, so I am going to post pictures soon!

1 comment:

Catherine Haskew said...

Ah I can't wait to see short hair Robin!!