Tuesday, September 23, 2008

So today I had lunch with my sweet friend Eliza and our conversation was revolving around how we are slowly but surely getting to know everyone at church in a deeper way. But sometimes, it is difficult to figure out how different people work. It occurred to me later how much more I understand people who are not like me now than even a year ago. In undergrad, everyone (including me) had a fend for themselves attitude because it is a difficult adjustment, and most people are trying to figure out "what they want to do". After college, I feel like I "know what I want to do", whatever that means...hehe, and so attitudes change. I have been placed in a church, school, and neighborhood with people who have completely different personalities than I do. In college, it was really easy to "pick" your friends. I surrounded myself with people who had similar interests as I did and who were as equally as excited about being my friend as I was to be theirs!

So, should college students be expected to have more of an outward view when there is so much life change going on in their own lives?
Should I still be able to "pick" my friends? My mom actually called today and told me she had invited someone over to stay with them who doesn't have power yet bc of Ike, but she is having a hard time being ok with them coming over to stay because they are not best friends. Should she just have not invited them, or is that God's way of stretching us by giving us that instinct to invite someone over even though we don't necissarily think it is going to be the best time you have ever had?

So there you have it...a random thought!

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