Tuesday, March 17, 2009

paper starting time!

So I have been saying I am going to start my paper for a few days now, but I finally have all of my sources printed and I am ready to start writing. I think I am going to head down to the library by the beach later to get in a place where I can be more focused. I tend to start doing chores and such when I am at home. Luckily I got most of them done yesterday so I don't have much to distract myself with! I know I will get this paper done, it is just a matter of actually starting it! My goal today is to get the first two sections on paper (More of the intro and bio info of my composer) which won't be too difficult. I also need to practice a bit today because I learned in my lesson yesterday that I have a lot to fix on one piece! Wish me luck!

I am also hoping to enjoy a Guinness with Jared later!
Happy St. Patty's day!

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