Monday, April 12, 2010

Made it!

We made it to Texas! We already miss everyone back in LA, but seeing family is a good distraction...

The drive went by pretty fast because we had a book on mp3, "The Historian". It was a great "listen". There were so many different characters and details that, at times, was hard to keep up. If I am reading a book and zone out, it is easy to just re-read the page, but it is difficult to rewind on an ipod.

We stayed at a Days Inn in Las Cruces, NM Saturday night, and then we got to stay at Jared's grandparents last night, who we haven't seen in 2 years, which was really great! They live in Bandera, TX, just outside of San Antonio. It was a little weird to be so far out in the country! It was nice to have a home cooked meal after 3 meals of fast food. I should have planned better to bring more food for the car that wasn't crap. My body really did not enjoy that! It is hard to think of anything that is more sustainable than peanut butter sandwiches, and those can get old, too. It really is a nice drive through New Mexico and Texas. Lots of cool rock formations and mini-mountains.

Anyway...we are really looking forward to time with family before we head out. Hopefully, it will be a nice relaxing week!

R :)