Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fighting in public - totally OK

Just so you know, if you are looking to pick a fight in public with your significant other (and I mean a full out fight), you should move here! Haha!

I have passed multiple couples going at each other right on the street corner with hundreds of people walking by...

These fights include phrases such as:
"I am just trying to understand why you won't commit"
"Love, you are f***ing insane" - this was my favorite one...endearing, yet telling her how you really feel
"What the H***" - after one person spilled their drink on the other one on purpose

I will let you know if Jared and I decide to display our love for one another in this manner! I will be sure to catch it on tape for you!

:) PS we are putting an offer in on a flat today, so pray that it is well received!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Surely the fighting in public thing was not the norm, but if you see Camilla and Charles on the street take a pic and make some money! Smiles, Mom