Monday, January 17, 2011

Roll over...Roll over

Camden enjoying some jazz and tummy time!

Camden has been rolling from his tummy to his back. You will have to trust me that we didn't push him and he was all the way on his tummy! I turned the camera on after he started to roll! And I promise it was warm in our flat and he was not cold! He was about to have a bath after play time bc he weed himself...oops!

He can lift his head sooo much higher while on his tummy now. Crazy that just 11 weeks ago he had absolutely no control over his head! So amazing how God created us to mature and learn so fast in the beginning! :)
In case you were wondering...the cute London blanket is courtesy of Stefani Wilkinson! We love it! It's so soft! :)
Also, Camden has been toggling back and forth between 1-2 night feedings. This has given mom a lot more rest! Thank you Jesus! :)

1 comment:

stefaroooni said...

Cute blankie, Cam! Not as cute as you are though... :)