Tuesday, February 3, 2009

jury duty

So I thought I would write about my experience at jury duty yesterday...
I got my summons a couple of weeks ago and was super annoyed that as a student, I still had to put my time in and serve. I went yesterday at 8 am and they herded about 200 people through the metal detector upstairs to a large room (which included awesome posters similar to the one you see above!) Haha! I was super surprised at how many people were there.

Next, there was a lady who did a 20 minute presentation followed my a 10 minute video...super cheesy video! The speech included a portion where we had to simulate an earthquake drill. I just sat there and sipped my coffee observing all the interesting people in the room. There was one guy who had a shirt on that said "Do I look like a people person" with a giant St. Bernard on it! It was sooooo awesome. I wonder if I wore it specifically for jury duty day or if that was a common shirt in his collection. The lady next to me tried to pay another guy $20 to call and see if she needed to be there. How silly...of course he didn't accept the money.

Now, we waited from about 9:30-10:00 before they called anyone up to check in. We went up in groups and got a badge. Then at 11:30 they made a call for the first round of people who would go to the courtroom to be selected. Luckily, my name was not called and I was left in the room with 100 people. So yes, that means that 100 other people got selected to go to get narrowed down to 12. Nice....

Then at 11:50 (10 minutes before the lunch break) They said everyone else who is left here is done for the day.

Ahhhh...A sigh of relief....even though I did think it would have been cool to serve on a jury, the time would not have been cool! So I picked up my things, checked out, and went to school! Didn't have to miss class after all! And I am not at the courthouse today! Yippeee! And I finished my first book in 2 years...lame I know! But I was proud! (The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis)

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