Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Scheduling time

As I have been allowed two days off from driving down to Long Beach this semester, I have had more unscheduled time that needs to have purpose. Before today, I was not making the most of my time and before you know it, I had been online for 2 hours browsing and looking up random things.

In college junior year, I went crazy on scheduling my time (I would even schedule bathroom breaks....crazy, I know!). So in an effort to not be like that, which was insane, I have not scheduled an hour by hour daily itinerary for myself in a long time. Yesterday when I realized the entire late afternoon/evening had gone by, with not much accomplished, I decided to write up a schedule for myself for today. Guess what! It worked! I was so afraid that I would get back into that crazy mentality that I had previously, but I didn't. I didn't beat myself up if I had not done something it said to do that hour, but I just carried it through to the next hour. This way, I just have a rough outline of my day. I hope to continue to do this for each day so I can be as productive as possible. This way, I don't feel that taking a break from practicing to read is a bad thing.

Just thought I would share my excitement with you on the new found schedule. This has just been so funny because I realized I am very good at scheduling, but not always doing what was on it. :)

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