Friday, May 29, 2009

Graduation Day!

Today I graduated with my master's degree in Flute Performance from CSULB!!! :) That's me with my awesome master's hood which I unfortunately had to return...rental only...

My friend Katie Feistel was there to support me! It meant a lot that she would take off work to come watch me graduate! Especially since she just went to UT to see her sister graduate last weekend. Below is me with my flute professor Dr. John Barcellona with his cool sceptor (an amazing teacher and why I went to this school, and below is me and Katie...I look like a giant in that cap and gown! Man, she has the hand on hip LA photo op down!!!).

This is me getting hooded to the right of that yellow circle deal
This was the coolest part of the ceremony! They spent so long positioning it!

Also, the guys who announced the names were like the guys you hear on movie trailors or game show announcers! They were incredible! Raaaooobin Laauuraaa Baaariiiient!!!! (Emphasis on the multiple letters and say in a deep voice...They made my day!)

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